Video: LaFerrari Testing At Nürburgring Nordschleife
Posted in: Ferrari, LaFerrari, Videos

Video: LaFerrari Testing At Nürburgring Nordschleife

/ September 25, 2013 / 4846 Views

Ferrari has taken LaFerrari (we’re still not sure about the name) to the Nürburgring Nordschleife for a round of tests. From what the video below showcases the test driver isn’t taking it easy and the full beauty of its exhaust note can be heard. Video also showcases the active aero-dynamics with the fully extended rear wing, giving this V12 powered vehicle all the possible donwforce it needs. Without a doubt this is one highly expected car to hit the streets.

In the next few weeks we are certain Ferrari will drop the official lap times and we are eager to compare them to McLaren P1 and Porsche 918 numbers which have been released already. Without a doubt both McLaren and Porsche engineers & drivers will keep a close eye on the Italians doing their thing in LaFerrari these days. Enjoy the video right from RSRNurburg right below. More coming soon!

Vanja K. has been in the business of automotive journalism and news reporting since 2009. making his ways as a start up blogger in the field, to running two successful motoring websites, work in automotive marketing, product placement and general social networking promotion for automotive related brands. He is a petrolhead to the full sense of that word and enjoys anything and everything related to cars. You can contact me on Google +.