
Lamborghini Diablo By C3Photography
Vanja K.
February 1, 2013
Throwback Thursday … that widely used term all over the internetz that people love to tag their photos, food, gadgets or whatever. But I never dreamed we’d have such an epic au...

Ferrari 430 Scuderia by ADV.1 and C3Photography
Vanja K.
May 4, 2012
Some terror heading to the East Coast! ADV.1 and C3Photography join forces on yet another epic build! A Ferrari 430 Scuderia has just received some ADV.1 hot sauce in its lighter f...

Lamborghini Aventador Photoshoot by C3Photography
Vanja K.
April 10, 2012
Working in the New York City area and being the resident photographer over there for some popular wheel companies, namely ADV.1 and D2FORGED he is well known for his work in this f...